DLL Injector.

Dll injector   Rhys mossom

Well, I am at a loss as to what to post so I decided I may as well post a simple DLL Injector.
What is a DLL injector? Its a program (in this case, using the WriteProcessMemory/CreateRemoteThread method) to “inject” a DLL (dynamic-link library) into another processes (identified using the PID number) execution space.

Do to the number of people (on and off this blog) asking for a C# port of the above injector, I went ahead and ported it quickly this afternoon. Havent really tested it so I dunno if there are any funny flaws anyway, but none that I could see….

[ WIN32 Executable ] DLL Injector.exe:

[ .RAR ARCHIVE ] – C#-Source, Project(MS-VS8), and the .NET Executable .

[ C# Source ] dllinjector.cs.

[ C Source ] dllinjector.c

~ by Rhys Mossom on April 27, 2007.

13 Responses to “DLL Injector.”

  1. Make an auto attach/injector. Like for Maplestory or something. When it sees the process MapleStory.exe, inject selected .DLL.

  2. I didn’t write this for maple story :), so no real use really.
    And equally easy method is just use CreateProcess to run maplestory and just return the PID from that.

  3. Hi,
    I am a developer Can I have code for this injector. Currently I am doing a project and i need a dll injector I am using C#.
    I will be really thankful to you If you give me some support and code.

  4. Contact me on my msn:

    This injector was written in C++, but its a fairly easy port to C#.

  5. Any chance you’re still handing out the source for your C# port of this? Cheers,

  6. Its right there.
    Just click on one of the links (depending on whether or not you want the project files as well.).

    But in case the links are not showing for you, here:

    With project files:

    Without project files:

  7. lol. I love nagging over MSN. Glad to see you updated it with the C++ source… ❤

  8. This is what I was looking for.. Finnally one that you only need to compile and it works =). Thank you!

  9. Glad it worked 😉

  10. I thought you might find it interesting that it compiles without modification using the free mingw-g++ compiler. It also converts to straight C by removing #include “stdafx.h” which is not needed anyway, and some odd syntax, such as changing bool to int and true to TRUE.

  11. Ah cool.
    Good to know.

  12. Found this one on google http://drakenscripts.co.cc/index.php?p=msi&txt=Draken-Scripts-Maplestory-Dll-Injector

    It looks pretty cool.

  13. Thats nice.
    But like i said, this wasnt written for MapleStory – or any other online game. That was merely dBuGG3D’s presumption.

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